Olivia Thorton

Yacht Marketing Manager

Olivia is Pelorus’s newly on-boarded Yacht Marketing Manager. With a background in sailing, a degree in fashion design, and various experiences in luxury industries such as jewelry and art, Olivia’s passions have led her to Pelorus Yachting. Her experience is underpinned by her recent MBA in Luxury Brand Management, where sustainability and technology were the core of her studies. She believes these pillars have given her the insight to drive innovation within the yachting industry.

Olivia is from a seaside town on the East Coast of Ireland, just south of Dublin. Her love of the sea and the outdoors was influenced by her environment but also by her parents, who have raced yachts competitively for over 30 years, and her grandfather who pioneered Irish surfing. When she was 16, she became a qualified sailing instructor, taking her to some of the biggest yacht clubs on the East Coast of the U.S. Olivia’s adventurous nature is also channeled through skiing, which has been her favorite sport since she was 3.

Number one unforgettable travel experience?

I was lying under the stars aboard a yacht with my family in Northern Greece. On the 5th day of our sail, after anchoring in a remote bay across from Mount Athos, we were blessed with a shower of shooting stars. The water was like glass and the moon lit up the bow of the boat – it was magical. However, I have to say Safari in South Africa is also up there, especially when I got to see two new-born leopard cubs - a rare sighting!

Top of your travel bucket list?

Skiing in Japan or sailing around French Polynesia. Both are dramatically beautiful but also rich in cultures which I haven’t experienced before.

Who is your ultimate travel partner?

My ultimate travel partner/partners are probably my family. We are all very adventurous and push each other to try new things. We also all have different skills and interests which merge well for an action-packed vacation. My dad is navigation extraordinaire, if there is a body of water – my mum is making you jump in, and my brother keeps us entertained with his unusual wit and semi-decent photography skills. And for me, discovering the best restaurants and day trips are always on the agenda.

Want to get in touch?

To contact Olivia please email or give her a call.